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Changes in the Awarding Emeritum Status Policy

October 26, 2023

Dear Colleagues, 

MSU deeply appreciates the many years of loyal service and creative contributions of its retired faculty, academic staff, and administrators. The university considers them a continuing important resource for the institution. The Emeritum title awarded to faculty, academic staff, and administrators at time of retirement signals honor and accomplishment. Emeritum status may be awarded to faculty, academic staff and administrators who officially retire from Michigan State University.

You may recall the Awarding Emeritum Status policy replaced the prior Emeritus policy in June of 2022. A major change to the policy was to replace the word Emeritus with Emeritum. The second primary change was how Emeritum status is granted. Previously, Emeritus status was granted automatically. Emeritum status is now granted after a request from the employee and after a review and approval process. Effective today, individuals seeking Emeritum status will make a request through the new Emeritum Request Form prior to or at time of retirement. 

This change was made as part of the university’s continued dedication and commitment to increase accountability. It enables MSU to hold itself to the highest ethical standards when awarding the emeritum title. Moreover, this change is in alignment with the policies and practices of other higher education institutions and the majority of Big Ten institutions. 

Overview of the New Emeritum Request Process

For Faculty and Academic Staff: 

The Emeritum Request Form is initiated by the employee and routed to their supervisor (e.g., chairperson/school director, director) to provide a recommendation. The key factors for a supervisor to consider when making a recommendation is whether a) the employee received serious discipline, b) the serious discipline process has been initiated, c) dismissal proceedings have been initiated, d) an investigation is underway, e) there is a pending allegation of violation of university policy, or f) a violation of university policy has been established. It is expected that most employees will receive a positive recommendation, and that supervisors will not withhold a positive recommendation unless there was evidence of any of the above factors. The above factors are not an automatic exclusion from consideration; each circumstance is case-specific. Nevertheless, if any of the above factors are met, it requires the institution to consider further whether to grant Emeritum status. 

Once the supervisor provides a recommendation the form is routed to the MAU head (e.g., dean, vice president) for endorsement, and then to the Office for Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs for final review and approval. 

If at any point during the foregoing process, a faculty member is not recommended, supported, or determined to receive emeritum status, the faculty member must be notified and may file a written appeal within 30 days of the decision to the University Committee on Faculty Affairs (UCFA). If the UCFA determines the appeal has merit, it will forward the relevant documents to the Provost to make the final decision.

For Academic Administrators and Executive Managers: 

The Emeritum Request Form is initiated by the employee. Administrators requesting emeritum status for themselves who are deans or executive managers must also attach a formal letter of request outlining their accomplishments at MSU. The form (and formal letter of request, if appropriate) is then routed to their supervisor (e.g., dean, provost, vice president) to provide a recommendation.

Once the supervisor provides a recommendation the form is routed to the MAU head (e.g., provost, vice president) for endorsement, and then to the Office for Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs for review and a final determination. If emeritum status is not awarded, there is no appeal process for administrators.

Resources and Questions

We’ve worked with Human Resources to create a website, Requesting Emeritum Status, to outline the process and answer frequently asked questions we have received thus far. Additionally, we’ve created a crosswalk resource that outlines the changes between the past policy and this current policy. As you work through this new process under the revised policy, we appreciate any questions, concerns, or feedback that you may have for us. Please direct any questions to Kara Yermak, Assistant Provost for Faculty Affairs, at

Ann E. Austin