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Mission and Values


As strategic partners, we work to enable and promote a productive, respectful, and inclusive work environment to attract and retain high-caliber faculty, academic staff, and leaders at MSU. 


Collaboration: Strong, respectful communication and cooperation within our team and across the university.  

Equity: Intention and action in supporting what is fair and just, with an awareness of implicit and explicit bias. 

Integrity: Honest, transparent communication and decision making. Uncompromising adherence to ethical practice. 

Inclusion: Listen to and consider a wide range of perspectives, maximizing our combined knowledge and understanding. 

Excellence: To hold ourselves and others accountable. Consistently follow through with high quality, timely work. 


Strategic Plan

One of the key themes of the Strategic Plan by 2030 is Staff and Faculty Success. FASA leads the faculty success initiative by creating an environment in which excellence and opportunity thrive and will attract and keep talent. FASA cultivates conditions where staff and faculty can do their best work, individually and collaboratively.